Mobile recovery solutions

Mobile recovery solutions(MRS) are increasingly becoming popular. Based on lessons learned from 9/11 and the hurricane activity in the Southeastern portion of the United States, employee availability and travel restrictions are driving unique response and recovery strategies.

One such strategy is the use of mobile recovery centers. MRS provide on-site or local recovery capabilities through the use of temporary workspace trailers, pre-configured with power, environmental systems, information technology assets (to include personal computers) and voice/data communications (delivered through satellite coverage).

Most providers of MRS promise delivery within 24 to 72 hours. MRS are flexible, and can be used as data centers, call centers and general office space. In terms of general office space, configurations ranging from 10 to 1,000 seats are available.

Some organizations use MRS as retail space if needed to support an affected customer base particularly when customer service is needed following a natural disaster.

Key considerations when evaluating this solution include:

• Vendor service level agreements and the size of the fleet relative to subscription base.

• The availability of a location to “park” the trailer

Mobile recovery solutions supports recovery point objective.

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